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  • How Business Owners Can Use Windows 11 to Increase Business Efficiency & Productivity

    Windows 11 brought more business features

    Prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, productivity and office work were considered non-exclusive. Boss and HR management teams typically select employees to be present at work to optimize work efficiency and other processes.

  • How do you reduce the expenses of your insurance company? Extension of medical insurance and payment

    Insurance Business Needs The Right Planning

    It is known that companies seeking sustainability offer benefits to their employees, the most prominent of which are social protection and health insurance, and governments offer their employees various insurance benefits, including health and life insurance, and individuals themselves and self-employed people can make an insurance subscription for themselves through various insurance companies. Although insurance companies make a lot of profits, the losses may be huge if there is no risk management capable of setting rational policies to preserve profits. Here are several tips to improve your insurance company.

  • Russia and Ukraine war. The impact of the war in Ukraine on the technology and communications market

    Ukraine Russia crisis

    The diplomatic and economic response to the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine brought about major changes in Europe and the world. The ICT market has also been affected by several measures, including the economic sanctions imposed by the United States, the European Union and other countries on Russia in the wake of the war. This report provides a preliminary assessment of the impact of the current crisis on global ICT spending and technology markets.

  • The effect of wages on workers performance

    Happy workers, salary day

    The effect of wages on worker performance is determined by a natural experience in which some workers in a particular profession (football referees) with short-term contracts convert to paid contracts. The job performance of contract workers improved compared to those who did not receive pay contracts. This conclusion is strong for the introduction of fixed effects for workers, indicating that the effects are not driven by better workers but rather workers who get contracts in which the value of wages is clearly stated.