At House Care Egypt we strive to try to understand the nature of your family requirements and we always respect the means of your concern for your children, and for this we are working to provide caregivers (resident nanny and non-resident babysitter) with a high degree of sophistication. we set conditions and standards on the basis of which we choose The best for you.

We provide you with the best resident and non-resident babysitters from different nationalities:

Resident (Live-in) or non-resident Filipino babysitter

Resident (Live-in) or non-resident Indonesian babysitter

Resident (Live-in)  or non-resident Ethiopian babysitter

Resident (Live-in)  or non-resident Ethiopian babysitter

Resident (Live-in)  or non-resident Senegalese babysitter

Resident (Live-in)  or non-resident Moroccan babysitter

Resident (Live-in)  or non-resident Lebanese nanny

Resident (Live-in)  or non-resident Egyptian babysitter



We provide babysitters from many other nationalities, and the following should be noted:

Babysitters and nannies  from House Care Egypt are chosen according to very important criteria to ensure the safety of your children and the good morals of the nanny and babysitter.

We provide all legal guarantees to ensure the comfort of your family

House Care Egypt is distinguished by choosing qualified people and following up with the clients after contracting ... We save you a lot of efforts and we put our experience over the years in your hands.


What is the difference between a babysitter and a nanny?


The nanny is the same as the babysitter, but it is customary that the babysitter does not interfere in matters of value-teaching related to children, as the mother follows this issue in a manner that is in proportion to the culture of the family. As for the nanny, she is distinguished by the mother’s spirit and her ability to present educational values ​​appropriately for children. The definition of some families has been mixed, however we note that the more cultured groups of society distinguish the difference between the babysitter and the nanny, and therefore their request is clear from the beginning, where they request a sitter or a nanny with certain qualities and qualifications, where the nanny is distinguished by her higher education, while the babysitter may be of medium or less education, but she is good in dealing with children and able to pay attention to them and take care of them. Fully.

Also, a highly qualified nanny is paid more than an average babysitter

The difference between a resident (Lived-in) and non-resident babysitter or nanny

In the case of full residence with the family at family's home, she is called (resident or lived-in). If she works part-time or a specific number of hours per day and then returns home again, she is called a non-resident sitter or nanny.


Call us today to get the best qualified candidates from "House Care Egypt"