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Love, love, well-being, happiness, hunger, thirst, pain and desire are all human feelings that made life between people in which there is interaction and harmony, and without these feelings, there would be no one to talk to others, and there was no meaning to life. Thirst we buy drinks, when we are happy we buy gifts, and when we love we buy nets and engagement rings. All are noble interactions in life, but have you ever thought that your sales and profits will increase through those feelings, especially feelings of psychological pressure? Do not worry, we are not evil, and we will not teach you how to cause people pressure, but we will teach you how to benefit from a natural feeling that exists in all human beings in order to benefit them and also benefit by achieving more sales and profits. Here are 5 effective ways to increase sales through stress.

Tired of sticking to the old selling tactics? Or did you realize that it is difficult to further develop using existing sales technology alone? Now increase your sales with new strategies!

It doesn't matter if you are a business owner or a sales professional. Now it is important to be aware of the many challenges you face (whether online, in a store or a service desk). Ultimately, reaching your goals will require overcoming a number of challenges, from increasingly fierce market competition to setting your budget.

What steps will be taken to overcome these challenges? There is no right or wrong answer to this question. However, if you aim to increase profits, you should consider a sales strategy that increases the psychological stress of consumers (positively).

Here are five effective techniques you can put into practice.
Without a doubt, Amazon is the undisputed number one player in the retail industry. All the sales strategies implemented by Amazon have succeeded in driving sales to fantastic levels estimated at billions of dollars.

If you are browsing Amazon, Souq.com, or want to buy from Jumia, you will often see different events and sales offers that depend on stress using the time factor. These offers are characterized by a limited duration of the offer:

For example, you will find a banner or design that reads "70% off last chance" or "50% off from May 23 to May 25" or "40% off offer ends after only 4 hours".

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see this ad? In most cases, you will feel like an opportunity will be missed if you do not buy now. is not it? Thus, psychological pressure was exerted on you through the time factor to push you to buy.

Imagine another example in Prime TV services with paid subscriptions on the Internet, such as the Netflix movie platform or the Shahid platform.

Potential buyers who are not members of movie platforms when they see an advertisement that says 80% discount is 30 hours left for example, what will they feel???
According to all the academic studies related to marketing psychology, these customers will either feel jealous or impatient, or they will feel the loss of an opportunity and it will remain an internal feeling inside them. (Scientific words, gentlemen)

Entertainment platforms such as Netflix, Shahid and other entertainment platforms add magic to advertising headlines in two ways:

Basic members only: Potential non-members are put under pressure with the fact that this is a discount offer available only to VIP members and others are made jealous.
And the free limited-time offer: when you feel like the offer but you don't have the money, the platform will give you a chance to try a free trial for a limited time to participate in a discount offer so that you can benefit. Such a magical method makes profits increase automatically. Once potential customers register their orders for a trial period, at least half of them will become real customers who buy and spend money later.
As such, exploiting the time factor is one of the most popular and powerful selling methods that take advantage of the psychological pressure of consumers. If you want to get your potential customers to interact instantly, start with the most effective way to start Time Deals now!

2. Countdown strategy
A countdown timer gives customers a visual indication of how much time they have left to make a purchase. This sales strategy not only speeds up the sale process, but in some cases can lead to an immediate purchase.

I personally saw an advertisement for a product that I was looking for for a long time, and one time, I saw a 25% discount only, but next to it there is a counter that counts down the time remaining on the offer... I bought immediately despite my specialization in the business sector and my prior understanding of malicious marketing strategies. It's funny isn't it? But remember, we are human beings, driven by feelings and emotions.

However, this method does not work for all consumers, but many tend to respond more to a visual countdown timer than to written titles. As an example, HubSpot posted the following stats:

“People remember only 10% of what they hear three days after hearing new information. But when you pair that information with an associated image, 65% of the information is saved.”
This is why countdown timers are so effective.
You can use the timer in several ways. But you don't have to keep showing time left for sales.

Tip: It is necessary to distinguish between good examples of countdown timer use and overuse. For example, if a timer is displayed continuously on the home page, consumers may view it as a sales strategy and react negatively. In short, this method does not apply to all products together.. Choose the most profitable product and apply the strategy to it to encourage more purchase.


3. Stress using surprises
Surprise sales are not as popular as they were 2-3 years ago, but many online stores still use them as a "simulation" selling strategy using psychological pressure.

But what is the original sale of surprises??

Do you remember the last time you saw an advertisement saying, “Exclusive offers and surprises.. Wait for us at the State Fair on May 10-14”????

This is the surprise strategy... Who doesn't love surprises and exclusive offers???

Selling with a strategy of surprises stimulates psychological pressure by waiting for a certain thing.. People do not like to wait, but they love surprises.. They will feel excitement and psychological pressure associated with waiting for certain surprises. All this happens in the subconscious mind automatically.

To make the most of a surprise sale, focus on the scarcity of time and quantity. Consider the following example.

Scarcity of time - clearly state the time limit for the start of a sudden sale, such as a few hours or a day.
Quantity scarcity - State that the sale ends when a certain quantity is sold. People buy fast because they are worried that they might not be able to buy products if they are late. (Anxiety in itself is a factor of psychological pressure to motivate purchase)
If your store sells physical products, try a surprise sale. You will see amazing results of rapid sales growth.

4. Increase sales with lead time strategy
In marketing, we learned the following psychological formula: if you do an "x" now, you will get an "y" as a result.

Simply make your ads use this psychological formula

Buy products today to take advantage of free shipping. Or, "Buy one product, get another free at the same or lower price."

In short, the procedure “x” here is for the customer to buy and what he will get “y” is free shipping, for example, or another free product. As for the time limit, it is the condition of the purchase now.


Once again, let's look at a typical example from Amazon. If you've been shopping on Amazon for a while, Amazon will "claim" your purchase with continuous frequent notifications of delivery times.

In the example above, Amazon is putting psychological pressure on consumers by saying that if they want to receive the product by Sunday, which is two days later, they must make a purchase within 13 hours 18 minutes.

As you can see, Amazon doesn't stop at a "selling strategy that capitalizes on an emergency." It uses a countdown timer that changes in real time as well as the delivery date.

By placing time constraints on such purchases, you are inducing psychological pressure on consumers to take immediate action.

5. Increase Sales and Profits Using the Vacation & Vacation Strategy
People always go shopping before the holidays. Of course, some people don't shop until the last minute and are waiting for a special offer. Until December 23, just before New Year's, they keep browsing the internet and malls to find discounts.

That is why online stores that offer holiday and holiday discounts are in a very great position to attract a large number of potential buyers and increase profits and sales.

For example, if you offer a 10% discount on all orders from February 1st to Valentine's Day only, this discount will not only remind consumers to buy but also motivate them to buy right away. This will increase the likelihood that consumers will purchase directly from your store without having to browse through multiple stores.

It's love, gentlemen.

There are some special holidays that are more popular than regular holidays, but most of them are great opportunities to increase sales through your holiday strategy.

Summary of the above
As we've seen, there are countless ways to increase sales using stress. Even if you try only one of several strategies, you will see an increase in sales.

Consumers spend billions of dollars on the Internet every year. In fact, in 2018, Cyber ​​Mondays generated nearly $8 billion in online sales.

So whether you sell products or services, if you're running an online or offline business, it's a good idea to think of a variety of ways to take advantage of consumers' psychological pressure to take your sales to a higher level and increase your profits.


Important note:

One of the most important causes of psychological pressure for people is watching advertisements, as repeated and excessive stimulus in a hidden advertisement affect psychological factors to a very large degree, so we advise everyone not to watch advertisements excessively. Business owners are also required to exercise transparency with real and non-false offers to share the mutual benefit with consumers.


There is also an important article on the role of each employer in social contribution to offset the psychological pressure on society due to advertising and business: What is the best way for companies to contribute to society?

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