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Archive photo of Housecare Egypt platform

Life as we know it changed when the COVID-19 pandemic and its health implications for the world were first announced. Our daily lives have been turned upside down but the good news is that humans are experts at adapting. We at House Care Egypt are managed by smart administrators who were able to adapt to the new reality and develop practical solutions to continue our services in a better way with the new changes due to the Corona pandemic in Egypt. One of the ways in which the way we work has changed is how we conduct job interviews, whether with job applicants or employers themselves, whether companies or families, where it is worth mentioning that House Care Egypt provides employment services for companies and domestic labor services for families as well.

The days of direct interviews gone, or at least, online job interviews have become important in light of the pandemic, which made us say welcome to the era of virtual interviews through our platform, which we launched in the same year as the epidemic and announced early on as the first Egyptian company to integrate and adapt to the developments that It happened in the year 2020.

To learn more about our preventive procedure for interviewing domestic workers from House Care Egypt, click here

Here is the text of what we announced on the Facebook page at the time, which is dated April 18, 2020, and a few days after the announcement of the first case of Corona in Egypt, where our smart administration had a far vision in knowing what the pandemic would lead to, and accordingly a quick and urgent decision was taken to build our own platform and it was announced About it after it was actually launched, and this was the first publication to announce the online interview platform for workers and employees.

After launching our platform, we found that the maintenance costs were very high, so we decided to rely on well-known platforms such as Zoom and Google meet, as strong and stable platforms without the need for high maintenance and development expenses, which are expenses that some of our customers do not want to bear part of above the costs of our services.

Anyway, here we are going to explain how to conduct a successful job interview with your employees. In fact, online or virtual interviews keep both sides safe when it comes to controlling the spread of COVID-19, but they are no less exciting than an in-person interview. Some of you may have never had a virtual interview, and some of the first interviews may be poor or unsuccessful.

Here are some tips on how to introduce yourself during a virtual interview:
Find a quiet place in your home. The day before the interview (or a few hours earlier if this is a last-minute interview) find the quietest area of ​​your home where the interview can take place.
Make sure you have a stable internet connection. Try to have your interview in an area closer to your Internet modem.

Make sure your background is free of distractions. Try to host your interview with a blank background and remove all the clutter. Make sure you are not distracted by anything. Just as if you don't want the interviewer to be distracted by your background, make sure there is nothing around you that will distract you or cause your eyes to stray.
Make a test call before to see if any background noise is detected. Contact a friend or family member via the platform you will use for the interview. Ask them if they can hear any background noise. This is also a great way to ensure that your internet connection is stable.
Dress as you would for an interview. Just because you're in the comfort of your own home doesn't mean the dress code is casual. Dress as you would in an interview (shoes too). When you dress for the meeting role in person (even if you are not), you will present yourself in a professional manner.

Watch your body language. Without the ability to exchange a handshake, it can be difficult to express your enthusiasm. Maintain eye contact, don't look around too much, sit up straight, and nod to acknowledge what the interviewer is saying.

Practice the Frequently Asked Questions. Ask a friend or family member to ask you common interview questions if possible, or just read them yourself. Here are some examples of questions you might want to ask your potential employer or employees: Why did you leave your previous job? What attracted you to this job? Why do you think you are the best candidate? Be prepared to explain any COVID-19 precautions you are taking. This will help make it clear from the start what safety measures your company has or want in your home, and it's a fair question to ask too!

If you're a job candidate, here are some things potential employers might ask you: Do you practice physical distancing? Do you follow health guidelines (not your brain blaster)? What do you do to keep yourself safe? Do you have enough skills for the job?

Follow up after the interview. If you are interviewing your employees and workers in coordination with House Care Egypt, which is the best choice for obtaining highly specialized employees, all you have to do after the interview is to follow up with our customer service representatives for the next steps and to coordinate the mechanism and date of contracting.


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