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Summer sales increase
Summer sales increase

The summer season has finally begun! If you have a business, you're a corporate salesperson, or even if you're an online seller, you may have sensed that summer had come with hot weather, but it didn't bring increased sales with it. You may feel dwindling sales volume either in your store or online. Here we are writing this article to help you through our experience.

First, let's explain the reason for the decline in sales this summer, especially after the Corona pandemic period. You may be surprised that the high rates of vaccination against the COVID-19 virus will lead to a decrease in your sales this summer, how is that?

More and more consumers are planning to travel and enjoy leisure in premium tourist areas. After the general closure period, where everyone now feels more freedom of movement and movement. This means that consumers spend less time shopping especially online. Moreover, summer is the weakest sales season for the e-commerce industry, when online shopping is low it is usually an ideal time for online sellers to interact with new customers, reorganize online stores, launch new marketing campaigns and more.

In this article, we will provide you with some useful tips to help you reorganize your online retail business. In order to properly increase sales, continue to grow your e-commerce business, and take advantage of new marketing strategies, to drive steady sales growth during the slow summer season.

Now to find out, let's take a look at several important tips that will increase your online sales for the new season.

1. Decorate your website with summer vibes before launching a new marketing campaign, or even your social media pages.
The first step you need to take is to refresh your store homepage, which shoppers will see first! A website that smells like summer has a huge impact on how shoppers feel about your store.
Change the look of your entire store by adding pop-ups, include fun summer phrases or send out seasonal emails with seasonal promotions, summer newsletters, or summer-themed social media posts.
Also, if you have an outdated, obscure or underperforming product, update it with a more detailed and persuasive product description and appropriate keywords. Such changes help in providing a better user experience and this leads to increased sales.

Apart from developing your website for the summer season, it is very important to make sure that your website is suitable for browsing across different screens especially mobile. And it works the way you want it to on all screens. Appropriately update your images and content to increase relevance so that it clearly reflects your products' stock quantity.

2. Offer a variety of products and are not limited to one product.
Do you tend to focus only on certain types of products? The fact is that it is practically established that shoppers prefer to see more selections and offers, especially summer offers, so consider expanding your offers by including additional elements related to your offers. For example, if you previously only sold winter shoes, adding seasonal items such as summer sandals or flip-flops or raincoats and boots will help increase your summer sales. (No one will buy a winter coat in the summer but you will have given the consumer a chance to see several choices. This is not a hoax but you are really offering a real product some buy at a discount in the summer for the next winter.)
By selling a wide range of products, you expand your customer base and expand your opportunities to increase sales.

3. Optimize your offers for mobile
Online sales are generally low during the summer months, as many people tend to spend more time outdoors and using their cell phones. In particular, given the epidemic that started two years ago, we all had to stay at home for about a year and a half, so this phenomenon is inevitably more pronounced. Actual statistics indicate that during the Corona epidemic period, 79% of smartphone users made online shopping through mobile devices. Why not improve your shows to be easier to watch on mobile and mobile then?
With the weather heating up, it's time to refresh the mobile experience for your customers. Providing a simple payment process through an easy-to-browse and easy-to-use online store can reduce customer loss rates, lower cart abandonment rates, and encourage online sales. Additionally, you can attract more mobile users by offering special “mobile-only” discounts via SMS or email.

4. Be active on social media
The best time to build awareness and connect with customers through social media is the summer season. Connecting with your customers through social media can help you build good relationships with existing customers while attracting new ones. During the summer season, it is important to be active and consistent in your marketing efforts by posting on social media about exclusive discounts, upcoming new products and seasonal products.

5. Consider creating an online contest.
Do you want to increase your fame on social media? So why not hold a fun summer contest to attract your audience and increase your sales? For example, you can run a contest for new and existing customers to take a photo of them enjoying their summer vacation with one of your products and post it on social media.

6. Do not neglect the sale in the middle of the summer season
Although early summer sales are low, it is noticeable that in the middle of summer sales tend to be higher. Mid-season sales can help you attract more shoppers. Offer more offers, free shipping, and promotions to wholesale buyers to get additional sales. Remind your customers that the summer season isn't over yet, and they still have a chance to get great deals at affordable prices.


7. Hire specialists in e-marketing

If you think that you do not have the time to promote directly, because you are busy with your customers, then perhaps a great solution is to hire a specialized marketing company.
E-marketing companies are the most effective way to increase sales. E-marketers have academic and technical expertise that qualifies them to deliver your products to the right customer audience.
Some social media platforms offer solutions for paid promotion, but few online sellers are able to integrate academic knowledge of marketing with electronic tools. On the contrary, e-marketing specialists have the academic knowledge to use digital marketing tools correctly, which drives productivity and increases your sales.

Finally, do not miss the opportunity of summer, as this season is perfectly suitable to start marketing your products. Think carefully about what needs improvement in your advertising campaigns. Make this summer the most profitable season for your business, as you can definitely turn summer into a profitable season. Start getting more active by reviewing your sales and promotions, improving customer service, and offering more. And don't be afraid to try something new or adjust your current strategy. In the end, the important thing is to encourage customers and consumers to spend more on your products and services in a variety of ways that respect your customers, suit their tastes, and make everyone happy, whether you or your customers!