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Simple tips provided by house care Egypt to help you protect yourself, children and your domestic workers from COVID-19 infection.

As a precaution and pre-emptive measures at home ask your family and your domestic labors including your maid, nanny or caregiver to follow the following steps as below:

1. Cover mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneeze. 
2. Discard used tissues in the bin straight away.
3. Washing hands using a generous amount of soap.
4. Use hand sanitizer if your hands are not visibly dirty.
5. Avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
6. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
7. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean. teach your workers that too.
8. Avoid crowded places.

Further to this, it is also advisable to provide hand sanitizers and temperature sensors at home for visitors or domestic workers as pre-emptive measures considering the increase in the number of cases recorded for Covid-19.

Also the most important tip is to follow the World Health Organization WHO tips and avoid all fake news and information.




This information was from World Health Organization


What to do if you have a non-resident (stay-out based) domestic worker?

The problem with non-resident workers is much greater than live-in maids and nannies who stay with you at home, because non-resident workers are exposed to mixing with people from outside the home every time she comes to work or returns to her home, whether in public places, transportation, or the housing area, while the stayed in worker will be required to not go for vacations only as the main preventive measure.

Domestic workers, whether resident or non-resident, are an important part of the family entity as long as they work for your family with a valid contract for that. If there is any suspicion of satisfactory symptoms, you must take the worker to the doctor and perform the required checks.

As for preventive measures, it is preferable to take the necessary precautions in general to limit the arrival of infection to the home even if it appears to be severe measures, but remember that it is important.



Start with the following procedures:

1- Providing a home thermal detector to measure the temperature, and a specific type is not required. The digital detector available in pharmacies is sufficient for the purpose, and it can be used every time a non-resident worker visits the home to find out if she has any fever that may prevent her from entering the home or not.

2- Providing customized clothes and a place to change clothes so that the worker changes her clothes coming from abroad before working in the place or entering the rooms.

3- Ask the domestic worker to use alcoholic antiseptics and hand sanitizers before entering the house and according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, the alcoholic disinfectant must have a high concentration rate and not less than 60 to 70% and beware of alcoholic antiseptic packages with a low concentration.

4- The worker coming from outside the house cannot be present without wearing a muzzle, the muzzle itself is requiredfor healthy family members or suspected of being infected. The muzzle is useful in preventing the spread of infection, but will not prevent it completely.

5. Do you think that your worker is infected? If you think so then they must stay at home. As an employer, you must assist your labor in conducting the necessary medical examinations, and then ask your domestic helper to stay at home temporarily (Thier home not yours)
. You might have to dedicate a portion of the salary to be paid for your helper the waiting time.

"Usually it should be 50% of the total paid days"

Always remember that non-resident workers who attend continuously through a legal contract are labor to which the Egyptian labor laws apply and that obligate the direct employer to provide medical care for the employment in respect of which he contracts through employment agencies.