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Hiring Solutions in Egypt
Hiring Solutions in Egypt

There is no doubt that you as an employer and founder of a business or company want to find employees who believe in your company culture and people who are suitable for your position, and this includes having the jobs, professional skills and information mentioned in their CV a 100% correct. So what we do?

Ensuring the accuracy of the information in the CVs is a rather difficult process, especially if you are hiring directly and personally without resorting to a company specialized in human resource management. Although it is easy to find candidates to work for you through the advances provided by the means of technology, and the ease of conducting video interviews, it is not enough on its own to ascertain the real capabilities of the employee. This is where the tests and assessments we offer at Housecare come in as a business solutions and HR company.

What pre-employment analytics do we offer?

Let's first talk about pre-employment analytics and evaluations. In simple terms, these assessments help in predicting the candidate's performance for the job, as we use such assessments to determine if the candidate is a good fit for the team.

Assessment is an objective way of judging a candidate's experience, capabilities, culture, language proficiency, and personality.

Sometimes, pre-employment assessments may include drug testing, but this testing is limited to certain employment sectors.

Why does your company need the assessment packages provided by House Care Egypt?

Because we want to provide you with the best talent selection for vacancies in your company, our tests and assessments help you make the right hiring decision, we eliminate unqualified candidates and identify the most qualified to work with you and serve your business goals.

Of course, hiring the most appropriate employees means achieving the best results for the company. It also brings other benefits to the company, such as saving time and costs, lower turnover of employees, in addition to raising the morale of employees in the company.

Despite the many benefits that the filtering process offers, some still find it a bit complicated. But when hiring House Care Egypt, choosing the best candidates becomes easy. Where, through deep experience, we provide evaluation solutions that contribute to saving your financial resources and increasing the volume of return on investment by hiring the most productive people and competencies


Tests we do to reduce recruitment problems

There is more than one way to filter candidates, but we'll give you the best tests we think every company should use. Our tests will help you avoid making the wrong hiring decision.

Remote work skills test: The remote work skills test includes topics such as work organization, planning, time management, information security, and business etiquette. Other important topics to cover are best practices, collaboration skills, and proficiency in the use of remote technical tools.
Digital Skills Test: This test assesses the candidate's basic computer knowledge and proficiency in the use of browsers, e-mail and social networking sites, as it mainly helps to assess the candidate's level of proficiency when working in an electronic environment.
Communication Skills Test: Video conferencing is the best way to take this test, as it allows our employees and employers to determine the employee's ability to communicate, as our professional staff evaluates the job candidate's body language, language skills, behaviors and ability to cooperate with the work team.
Test multitasking skills: Simulation is an ideal way to judge a candidate's ability to multitask. This test is critical because employees often have to work on more than one task at the same time. It will also help employers assess the candidate's ability to take on new responsibilities.
Soft skills test: This test will highlight the candidate's values, attitudes, motivations, interests and emotional intelligence. A personality test is crucial to determining whether or not someone is a good fit for your company. It also helps in assessing whether the candidate's attributes are in line with those required for the vacancy.
Programming Skills Test: Programming tests are a must if you are looking for a software developer, as these tests give employers and HR staff an insight into the technical and programming skills of the candidate. These tests can be general or specific to the vacancy.

How do we help your business at House Care Egypt?

We help you design the pre-employment tests correctly and we have the most qualified human resources managers who are able to design practical, theoretical and psychological tests and evaluations to evaluate candidates and work on developing an integrated plan to hire the right person in the right place.


Why should your company contract with House Care Egypt?

  • We are sure that these benefits are an important part of your business journey.
    House Care disqualifies approximately 60% of ineligible candidates in the early stages of assessments and testing. Therefore, it significantly reduces the possibility of selecting an unsuitable employee.
  • Housecare saves you about 95% of the time wasted on unnecessary practices during the selection process. As a result, the process becomes more seamless and cost-effective.
  • Contracting with House Care Egypt to recruit talent increases the chances of successful and satisfactory employment.
    Since you save time on unnecessary activities, you can focus on the most important tasks. Therefore, you are likely to notice an increase in productivity throughout your company because you have eliminated unnecessary staffing burdens by outsourcing it to House care Egypt.
  • You will notice an increase in employee satisfaction levels and a decrease in employee turnover.
  • During the hiring stages through House Care Egypt we eliminate many problems, such as personal opinion and bias, allowing your company to make better decisions
  • We reduce the chances of your company getting into legal trouble by designing an employment framework that complies with applicable labor and laws.
  • We raise the efficiency of the recruitment program designed specifically for your company in proportion to the quality of your employees and their job positions to benefit permanently from the executive framework in the long term.

House Care Egypt offers your company practical solutions for talent recruitment by conducting high-level analyzes and assessments that bring valuable benefits to employers in more ways than one, as we first help you assess the potential and capabilities of the candidate. Meanwhile, we save you cost and time. Moreover, increase productivity and raise the value of the return on investment in your human resources.